Need a marketing workshop for your members, clients or staff?

Contact Me

It's tough out there - and if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got - only less!

I can help, so why don't you get in touch so that we can:

  • Identify what makes you different from your competitors
  • Pull out your key marketing messages
  • Energise those sad words on your website or in your marketing literature
  • Create quirky engaging marketing pieces in the form of postcards
  • Get you understanding and effectively using social media
  • Create a great bank of content marketing resources
You could start with a free marketing healthcheck*

or phone me on 07966 155518

*Here's some who did have a healthcheck:

“It’s been absolutely incredible and mind opening – there was so much I hadn’t even thought about”

" I so enjoyed our meeting but more importantly found it enormously valuable in terms getting my head in the right place.  I’ve been mulling over your suggestions and can feel some of them working their way into my approach already.  Thank you very much indeed, and for the written report"