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How to write a press release

Marketing Tips Week - Tip no 2

Having found a publication(s) that your target audience reads (NB reads not just sees!) You need to format your press release as follows:

• Insert the words ‘For Immediate Release’ in bold in the top left hand corner

• Leave 4 cm between the title and your story headline – this allows for the editor’s notes as to how and where to use the story.

• Give yourself time to come up with a headline which will engage

• Keep your press release double spaced, aim to fit it all on one page and avoid jargon.

• Think about the language you need to use. Press releases for a tabloid will sound totally different to one written for a technical publication - even if they are covering the same story

• Remember that we have a short attention span so paragraphs should be no longer than 8 lines. Sentences should be no more than 25 words.

• Include a call to action at the end of the release, eg ‘Our CEO John Smith is available for interview. He has appeared frequently on local/national media and is an excellent speaker. If you would like to arrange an interview or require any further information, please call on etc’

• At the end of the release put the date and the name of a contact should the editors want more information or a discussion about the article in general terms. Put this on in smaller font

Check whether the editor would like a photograph and how he would like to receive your press release.  Many publications are not keen on attachments and prefer to have the whole thing within the body copy of the e-mail.

Hope this has been helpful!

And don't forget to come back for Marketing Tip no 3 tomorrow!